Gerontology Nursing Questions And Answers PDF Questions
Question 1 of 5
A nurse is reviewing the client population of a local community health center and identifying the health care needs of the group. The nurse decides to develop a screening program for hypertension. Which client population would the nurse most likely be working with?
Question 2 of 5
A nurse working with a population of black clients is cognizant that some health conditions are more prevalent in this population than in the white population and is working to address them. Which health assessment would be the priority for this client population?
Question 3 of 5
Following a recent lawsuit that implicated one of their colleagues, the nursing staff at an assisted-living facility are especially aware of the need to safeguard themselves legally. Which of the following measures should the nurses take? Select one that does not apply.
Question 4 of 5
Nurse R works on the geriatric medicine unit of the university hospital and provides care for numerous older adult clients nearing the end of life, many of whom have no-code orders. Which of the following situations is incompatible with the legal requirements for a no-code order?
Question 5 of 5
A nurse at a rehabilitation center is preparing a care plan for a 71-year-old post-stroke patient who has shown significant improvement in function and who is ready to return to the community. In the nurse's efforts to mobilize family caregiving, which of the following statements provides the most accurate criterion for inclusion in the category of 'family'?