HESI A2 Reading Comprehension 2024

Questions 18


HESI A2 Test Bank

HESI A2 Reading Comprehension 2024 Questions


Gout is a form of arthritis that typically comes on suddenly, causing intense joint pain, especially in the feet, ankles, wrists, or fingers. It is caused by the accumulation of urate crystals in the joint. Whereas normally, uric acid dissolves in the bloodstream and passes out of the body in the urine, at times, uric acid builds up, forming crystals. A diet rich in the foods that increase levels of uric acid�meat, seafood, fructose�may be a risk factor for gout.
It now appears that nurse-led treatments focusing on lifestyle may provide significant aid for gout patients. Medical treatment for gout has usually involved pain relievers and corticosteroids. In addition, doctors may prescribe uric acid inhibitors for patients who have recurrent gout attacks. A recent British study indicates that nurse-led care, which includes holistic education, lifestyle advice, and some form of urate-lowering therapy, is not only cheaper but also more successful than the usual physician-led treatment. Nurses were thoroughly trained in the causes and management of gout and were encouraged to include patients in decisions involving their own treatment. After two years, outcomes largely favored the nurse-led patients.

Question 1 of 5

Which is the best title for this passage?


Microsurgery as we know it today was developed in Sweden in the 1920s for use on animals. The first microsurgery used a monocular microscope, but soon a Swedish doctor developed a surgical binocular microscope, which became widely used in delicate ear operations. It was not until the 1960s that microscopy was first used to augment neurovascular surgery. Surgeons found that with the help of the microscope, they could repair the tiniest of blood vessels and even reconstruct vessels in partially amputated limbs.
In that same decade, a German surgeon developed the diploscope, which consisted of two independent binocular microscopes. This innovation allowed a surgeon to use high magnification while a surgical assistant followed along at a lower magnification, thereby observing a larger area of operation and addressing potential issues more effectively. This improvement in microscopy led to advances in plastic surgery, an area of medicine that regularly requires work on the tiniest of blood vessels and nerves.
Technological advances have continued to expand the possibilities of microsurgery. Surgeons can now perform procedures on cerebral aneurysms, reverse vasectomies, and improve breast reconstruction after cancer surgery. New tools such as telerobotic arms connected to microsurgical forceps and video microscopy, where the operative field is displayed in high definition on a TV monitor, have made even the most complex surgeries routine.

Question 2 of 5

What is the meaning of the word delicate as used in the first paragraph?


One of the human effects of the climate crisis is that as temperatures climb, more and more people are in danger of heat exhaustion. A recent spate of triple-digit temperatures occurred in states where such temperatures are rare. Municipalities provided cooling centers, which doubtless saved some lives. Knowing the signs of heat exhaustion can help you protect yourself on the hottest of days. Left untreated, heat exhaustion may lead to heatstroke, which can be fatal.
If you are forced to be outside and active in a place where high temperatures combine with high humidity, monitor your body for unusual reactions. People with heat exhaustion may sweat heavily yet have skin that feels clammy or cold. They may have a sudden sharp headache or muscle cramps and experience dizziness when standing up, which can lead to nausea. If you notice that your heart is racing and you feel faint, stop your activity at once. Find a cool place to rest, and hydrate immediately with water or an electrolyte-fortified sports drink.
If you suddenly stop sweating entirely, become confused, or cannot drink, you need immediate medical attention. Be aware that certain medical conditions�such as obesity or any condition that requires you to take beta blockers, tranquilizers, or antipsychotics�may exacerbate your reaction to excessive heat. If your weight or medications make you susceptible to heat exhaustion, avoid all physical activity when the heat index is over 90 degrees.

Question 3 of 5

Which conclusion can the reader draw after reading this passage?


Omega-3 fatty acids include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Your body needs omega-3s; they appear in the membranes that surround every cell in your body. Some people take omega-3 supplements such as cod liver oil, but with a little dietary care, you should be able to obtain adequate omega-3s from your daily nutrition. ALA is available in plant-based oils, especially flaxseed and canola oils. Some leafy greens, wheat germ, and walnuts also contain ALA. DHA and EPA occur naturally in fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, bluefish, and salmon. Vegetarians may obtain some DHA and EPA from algal sources.
The positive effects on health of a diet rich in omega-3s are clear, although further research is needed to know exactly how omega-3s help. They seem to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and reduce the buildup of plaque in the arteries, making them critical in maintaining heart health. Researchers have found that people with a high omega-3 intake seem to have fewer colon and breast cancers. Because of the fatty acids� effect on inflammation, some doctors find omega-3 supplements useful for asthma and arthritis patients.
Less clear are the effects on mental health, although there are health professionals who believe strongly that high levels of omega-3s can reduce depression, improve memory, and moderate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Until more research takes place, it is unwise to rely on omega-3s to cure mental health issues. However, ensuring that your diet contains ample amounts of these critical fatty acids is still a good idea.

Question 4 of 5

The passage lists all of these benefits of omega-3s EXCEPT ___________.


States offer a variety of home and community-based services aimed at enabling seniors to remain in their homes rather than transitioning to assisted-living or nursing homes. Caregiver and respite services are available in most states. Senior Companion or Friendly Visitor Programs are designed to provide social interaction for seniors. Volunteers, usually older retirees, visit the senior for conversation or simple recreational activities. In addition to preventing the isolation that often poses a mental and physical health risk to seniors, companions may alert families and doctors to new and potentially troubling health conditions.
Local offices for aging typically provide short- or long-term assistance with household chores. They offer transportation services to medical appointments, pharmacies, or grocery stores. For low-income seniors or seniors on fixed incomes, home repair assistance and heating or cooling assistance are available. Seniors who require wheelchairs may request modifications such as ramps and grab bars to make their homes more accessible.
By the year 2030, one in five Americans will be retirement age, and seniors will outnumber children for the first time in history. The state resources provided for our older relatives will become increasingly important as the population ages.

Question 5 of 5

What is the meaning of the word respite as used in the first paragraph?

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