HESI PN Exit Exam 2023 Questions
Question 1 of 5
Thirty minutes after receiving IV morphine, a postoperative client continues to rate pain as 7 on a 10-point scale. Which action should the PN implement first?
Question 2 of 5
Which task could the PN safely delegate to the UAP?
Question 3 of 5
Which of the following is a primary intervention for a patient experiencing hypoglycemia?
Question 4 of 5
At 1200, the practical nurse learns that a client's 0900 dose of an anticonvulsant was not given. The next scheduled dose is at 2100. Which action should the PN take?
Question 5 of 5
A female Native American client who is receiving chemotherapy places a native artifact, an Indian medicine wheel, in her hospital room. The HCP removes the medicine wheel and tells the client, 'This type of thing does not belong in the hospital.' Which intervention should the PN implement?