HESI A2 Version 1 Reading Comprehension

Questions 5


HESI A2 Exact Question

HESI A2 Version 1 Reading Comprehension Questions


Consumption of food is a universal necessity. Different
cultures have developed different methods to accomplish
the task. It is interesting to discover these differences and
learn new ways to do things.
European cultures developed cutlery (knives, forks, and
spoons) to enable people to efficiently eat their food.
Correct use of this toolā€™s changes with the times-what was
polite in 1800 may not be considered proper manners
China developed the chopstick as an efficient tool for
eating. Mastery of the use of chopsticks can be difficult
for the person not raised in the culture. The attempts of a
novice to use chopsticks can be very amusing to the
watcher, but frustrating for the hungry diner.
Space travel has created new challenges for consuming
food. Squeeze bottles and other unique packaging have
enabled space travelers to get their needed nutrition.
Chopsticks and forks do not work well in space.

Question 1 of 5

What statement from this extract is correct?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: The correct statement from the extract is that China developed chopsticks for eating utensils. The text clearly states: 'China developed the chopstick as an efficient tool for eating.' This demonstrates that choice A is accurate. The passage does not discuss the tiring nature of space travel or compare the superiority of European eating methods, making choices B and C incorrect.


The most important factor in any highway safety program is the responsible citizen-driver: YOU. Since you are a consumer, drive a car, vote, and pay taxes, you are a power to be considered. Your voice can Influence legislation at the federal, state, and local government levels. You can insist on better roads and safer cars by being a consumer advocate.

Your attitude about driving affects your making safe driving decisions while on the road. Your immediate concern, however, should be to drive safely in a property Inspected car, wear a safety belt, and never mix liquor with driving.

Question 2 of 5

What is implied by this paragraph?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: The paragraph emphasizes the importance of responsible citizen-drivers in highway safety programs. It suggests that individual actions, such as driving safely, advocating for better roads, and safer cars, can influence legislation and overall safety. The statement implies that government action alone may not be sufficient if individuals do not change their driving behavior, making choice A the correct answer.


Consumption of food is a universal necessity. Different cultures have developed different methods to accomplish the task. It is interesting to discover these differences and learn new ways
to do things.
European cultures developed cutlery (knives, forks, and spoons) to enable people to efficiently
eat their food. Correct use of this toolā€™s changes with the times-what was polite in 1800 may not
be considered proper manners today.
China developed the chopstick as an efficient tool for eating. Mastery of the use of chopsticks can be difficult for the person not raised in the culture. The attempts of a novice to use
chopsticks can be very amusing to the watcher, but frustrating for the hungry diner. Space travel has created new challenges for consuming food. Squeeze bottles and other unique
packaging have enabled space travelers to get their needed nutrition. Chopsticks and forks do not work well in space.

Question 3 of 5

What is the best definition of efficient as used in the third paragraph?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: The term 'efficient' in the context of the third paragraph refers to being 'productive without waste.' When something is efficient, it means it is able to achieve maximum productivity with minimal resources or effort. In this case, the chopstick is described as an efficient tool for eating, implying that it allows individuals to consume food effectively without unnecessary wastage. Hence, option A, 'Productive without waste,' best defines the term 'efficient' in this context.


Centuries ago, in the country of Siam, now known as Thailand, it was the custom of the rulers
that displeased them by giving the offender a white elephant. Because the animal was could not
be made to work as other elephants did, but still had to be fed hundreds of pounds of fruit and cared for in the most lavish style. The recipient could not give the elephant to anyone else, as it was the ruler, who would be greatly displeased should the recipient not receive the gift graciously or care for in a grand style. This monetary burden could be a major liability to the
recipient and in many cases they became impoverished.
This is the origin of the term "white elephant" as it is used today to denote an unwanted gift. The way of gift exchange played during the holiday season is an offshoot of this. In this game, everyone brings, and the gifts are exchanged by drawing numbers and picking a gift in turn. The
second person can choose or steal the first one. It is all in good fun, and people enjoy giving silly
gifts and "stealing" someone else.

Question 4 of 5

What is implied by the article?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The correct answer is B: 'People enjoy giving and receiving gifts.' The passage discusses the custom of giving unwanted white elephants as gifts in ancient Siam, leading to financial burdens for the recipients. It then transitions to how the term 'white elephant' is used today to denote an unwanted gift and mentions a gift exchange game played during the holiday season. The passage emphasizes the enjoyment people have in giving and receiving gifts, as seen in the holiday gift exchange game described, rather than focusing on disliking parlor games or the ease of taking care of elephants.



Food and drink are necessary and desirable, but their abuse can cause serious physical and mental problems. Many physicians believe that overeating is one of the countryā€™s main health problems, since It places a great strain on the heart, can lead to diabetes, and often shortens the individual's life span. To fill an emotional void, people often turn to food when they are bored or lonely.
Another area of concern is alcohol consumption. The results of alcohol abuse are widely publicized. The social drinker who becomes alcoholic, the drunken drivers contribution to highway deaths, spousal and child abuse, are all concomitant problems associated with alcohol abuse.

Question 5 of 5

The author seems to

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: The passage discusses the problems associated with food and alcohol abuse, emphasizing the health risks related to overeating and alcohol consumption. However, it does not advocate for extreme measures such as strict diets or complete opposition to alcohol. Instead, the author's focus on the consequences of abuse suggests a preference for moderation in eating and drinking habits. Therefore, the correct answer is A, indicating that the author seems to favor moderation.

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